The days have melded into nights which have turned into days, over and over and over again for the past week. Until now. The first annual Bangkok Zero Art and Music Festival has just ended. I've been documenting the whole experience as the official photographer of the festival, having the privilege of meeting fantastic artists- musicians, dancers, painters, videographers, performance artists, photographers- from around the world. I learned such priceless information, expanded my mind to ideas never thought, and somehow created a slight plan of action concerning who I'm going to be when I grow up. Or maybe realizing who I've grown up to be...
Regardless of such frivalties, my portfolio is slowly building. And I have never been more satisfied with the work I am doing. I have many, many, many things to learn, but I'm loving every minute of it.
Here are some shots of the festival. I hope you enjoy!
breathe taking shots. i expect nothing less from you <3